Daycare Fees & Conditions
We are open throughout the year, except for statutory holidays, two ‘teacher only’ days (we will notify you in advance) and two weeks over the Christmas/New Year holiday.
All fees are payable fortnightly in advance by automatic payment, 50 weeks per year, i.e. even when children are absent due to illness, holiday, statutory holidays, ‘Teacher Only’ days. We do not charge for the two weeks we close over the Christmas/New year holiday period.
Parents applying for a WINZ subsidy must get the subsidy pre-approved or pay standard fees until the Centre receives the subsidy day of attendance at the Centre.
Children must be enrolled two days per week (minimum six hours per day). However, if you require less than six hours, we may still charge for the full six hours.
We require one month’s notice if your child is leaving Small Wonders, which will need to be given in writing. This notice does not include holiday periods.
A late fee of $10 per 15 minutes will be charged for the late collection of your child.
A non-refundable $50 enrolment fee is required to process your child’s preliminary application.
Once you have been notified and accepted a place at Small Wonders, you will be required to pay ‘two weeks’ fees to secure your place. If you withdraw your child two weeks before their agreed start date, this will not be refunded.